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Newsletter March 2024

Gas Station

Has Your Business ‘Stalled Out’?

If you’re like me, the minute you hear “stalled out,” you think of being in your vehicle at a busy intersection with traffic behind you, and your vehicle has “stalled out,” leaving you stranded with a vehicle that won’t move. It sends chills down your spine just thinking about it, doesn’t it? I know it does for me because once, I was coming out of Chicago and pulled up to the toll booth to pay and continue onto I-80 when the vehicle I was driving stalled out while I was paying the toll, and cars were lined up behind me for a … CONTINUE READING

Student taking notes in class

A Story About Life, Perspective, and How Things Could Always Be Worse

“I hope the following story will help you learn how to keep things in perspective and not let the little things in life cloud your perspective on enjoying every day, as we and our family members and loved ones are alive and healthy. Because every day is a great day, and every day of your journey should be enjoyed.” CONTINUE READING

Business people shaking hands

Master the Art of Conversation and Sales

Have you ever encountered a salesperson who launched right into their spiel without talking to you first? If so, you know the importance of listening first. Not only do salespeople like this make you feel like a commodity, but it often leads to misaligned sales attempts … CONTINUE READING


Straightforward Advice for Cashing in on the Full Value of Your business

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to receive a free chapter from Terry Monroe’s book,
Selling with Certainty.

Selling with Certainty by Terry H. Monroe - Straightforward Advice for Cashing in on the Full Value of Your Business


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The Secret to Getting Top Dollar for Your Business

If you are planning to sell or are considering selling your business in the next twelve to twenty-four months, you need to start planning now. But where do you even start? Selling a business is not easy. With so many things to consider, some confusion is understandable.

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to receive a free chapter from Terry Monroe’s book,
Hidden Wealth.

Hidden Wealth - The Secret for getting Top Dollar for Your Business