Newsletter July 2019

Don’t Let Your Buckets Spill Over

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the central characteristics of successful people. One characteristic that I keep coming back to is the ability to compartmentalize. Compartmentalization is the ability to separate all the different aspects of your life into different categories, so they don’t bleed together and cause mayhem. I like to …

Beware These Retirement Spending Mistakes

The bulk of retirement planning is spent discussing how you will save money in the years leading up to the end of your career, but that’s only half of the picture. Once you enter retirement, your focus shifts to the smartest way to divest your money for both your own enjoyment and your continued financial security. There are countless ways to wisely spend your nest egg, such as taking trips, providing for …

Common Branding Mistakes

The value of a strong brand cannot be overstated when it comes to growing your business. We call adhesive bandages Band-Aids and cotton swabs Q-Tips because those companies excel at creating memorable, trusted brands that consumers can rely on. There’s no recipe for creating a brand so strong that the name of your product becomes common vernacular, but developing …


A Realist’s Guide to Starting Out, Staying Competitive, and Growing a Successful Business


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The Secret to Getting Top Dollar for Your Business

If you are planning to sell or are considering selling your business in the next twelve to twenty-four months, you need to start planning now. But where do you even start? Selling a business is not easy. With so many things to consider, some confusion is understandable.

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Hidden Wealth.

Hidden Wealth - The Secret for getting Top Dollar for Your Business