Newsletter February 2023

Person staring up at a declining line graph with dollar bill behind it

How to Beat a Recession

Nowadays, we are constantly bombarded, whether it’s by TV, on social media, or in the newspapers, about how we are either in a recession or going into a recession. The media loves talking about a recession because bad news sells better than good news. The more the media talks about a recession, the more of a chance that we will be in a recession … CONTINUE READING

Convenience store

Don’t Be an Inconvenient Convenience Store

I was talking with a friend and past client whose stores we had just sold, and I was following up on how he was doing since he didn’t have the daily headache of worrying himself to death about whether the employees were going to show up for work or not … CONTINUE READING

Cartoon of an electronic plug cord held in a fist

Ways to Disconnect From Technology

Though technology makes everyday tasks a bit easier, sometimes, the best thing a business owner can do is unplug and recharge! Running a business is a time-consuming and stressful effort. But by stepping back, you can reset and get a fresh perspective on your work … CONTINUE READING


A Realist’s Guide to Starting Out, Staying Competitive, and Growing a Successful Business


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The Secret to Getting Top Dollar for Your Business

If you are planning to sell or are considering selling your business in the next twelve to twenty-four months, you need to start planning now. But where do you even start? Selling a business is not easy. With so many things to consider, some confusion is understandable.

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Hidden Wealth.

Hidden Wealth - The Secret for getting Top Dollar for Your Business